Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Message from our Secretary, Rena Sutton

I am concerned that we have all been so busy that we have not invited people to join NCAE. Please do this. Invite fellow educators to join our team of NCAE members. I usually sign up several new members by now and with all the changes in the county, the format, the meetings and the children themselves, I have not taken the time yet to invite many people to join. I don’t know what we would do without NCAE/NEA. Where would our advocacy for professional educators come from, if we cannot stand for ourselves?

NCAE and NEA have been such a big part of the educational wins. We have worked with PTO, superintendents, administrators and other organizations, and that has been so helpful! However, we are always vigilant watch dogs for education and will not stop. When last minute legislation was passed before a holiday to save educators’ jobs, we read the fine print and saved master, NBCT, and advanced degree pay from being cut, by asking for clarification of language in the bill!!! We would have been leveled out on the bachelor’s degree, despite the long hours of not being with our families or following other pursuits while we got our added degrees and advanced certifications and tried to improve our delivery of education.

NCAE fought hard and kept longevity. We have not gotten a pay-cut and NCAE and NEA insured that the money was there not to cut teacher jobs in 2010. LEA’s that use the ability to have furloughs will have to lose central office positions and other considerations first. We have made these legislative gains and saves with lobbyists, Uni-serve directors, and flocks of members making legislative visits and phone calls, and sending many emails, too. I have written editorials for the state organization representing our concerns.

NCAE and our members have advocated for teacher assistants, bus drivers, and every member of the educational team. We have advocated for administrators in many ways. We have protected the retirement fund. Our organization fought against Medicaid cuts which would have taken away state budget dollars and cost us more educational related jobs.

I am surprised that our dues went up only 25 dollars and NEA’s only went up 4 dollars for the year. That is less than 4 dollars a month. What a deal to still have my job for that amount and have progress in education and benefits, too! We had to have a due raise or become less effective. We must stay strong! The struggle in this economy has cost too many educational personnel their young careers, put too many in the unemployment line, and caused too many to fear retirement.