Dear North Carolina Educator –
We know that public education in North Carolina is important to you. You are concerned about your classroom, your children’s future, and you know that many critical education decisions are made at the North Carolina General Assembly.
An integral part of keeping you informed about important issues facing public school education is NCAE’s Daily Political Briefing. No other daily publication in the state – including newspapers, blogs or tv/radio – keeps you as informed and up-to-date about PK-12 education politics at the North Carolina General Assembly. From floor votes to behind-the-scenes conversations in back-rooms, DPB uncovers what really goes on in North Carolina politics and shares it with 100,000 readers like you each day during the legislative session.
While DPB is a voice for public education advocacy, NCAE’s true effectiveness comes from a strong and powerful membership base that demands change when injustices are revealed and reported. Imagine the strength and effectiveness of 100,000 members of NCAE standing together to fight for public education in a time when classroom resources are being drained and student learning is compromised.
I invite you to join NCAE today so that we can have an impact on the decisions made that will affect public education this year. I am also inviting you to join a dynamic and diverse community of North Carolina educators who share common benefits, best professional practices, and legal protections in the workplace. I am inviting you to join something special – a movement to make great public schools in North Carolina for every child.
To join today, contact Brian Lewis, author of DPB, at or at (800) 662-7924 extension 256. If you want to enroll without assistance using a credit card, you can join by visiting
If you are receiving this email and you are a current member, please continue to stay informed through the DPB and encourage non-members to sign up to receive the DPB and to join us in our efforts on behalf of public education and the children of our state.
Thank you again for reading NCAE’s Daily Political Briefing and I hope we hear from you soon.
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